Entry Criteria for Postal Entries
You may choose to enter this prize draw by post. The process for this method is described below. If you enter by post, you will be deemed to have accepted all of the Terms and Conditions of entry, which can be found here.
On a blank sheet of paper or a postcard, write your name, address, date of birth, telephone number, email address and the campaign you wish to enter including the names of the artist and venue. Make sure you write all the information clearly, as illegible entries will be deemed invalid.
Please send your entry to the following address via either first or second class post to:
Passport: Back to Our Roots
c/o Band on the Wall
27 – 29 Swan Street
M4 5JZ
You may make several entries but a maximum of one entry can be made per postcard or envelope received. Once a postal entry has been processed it will be entered into the draw. Only one Prize per person will be awarded.
Postal entries are treated in the same way as paid entries for the purposes of determining a winner.
A postal entry has an equal chance of winning as an online entry. If a postal entry wins a Prize there will be no further purchase or payment necessary to be notified of the win or to receive the Prize.
If the Terms and Conditions of Entry and/or the above steps are not followed as described then a postal entry will be invalid.
You will not be notified if your entry is invalid or if you do not win.